a daily routine for living clean
So you buy all these essential oils and new “clean” products, but how on earth do you make them a part of your everyday life? It’s all so new and foreign and you just don’t know where to start.
One of the most frequently asked questions I have encountered in this business is this - “How do I use this stuff in my everyday life? I feel lost.”
You buy yourself some essential oils. You throw away some air fresheners and candles. You order several new-to-you supplements in hopes of making some positive changes in your lifestyle. THAT’S AMAZING! But - you just don’t know how to REALLY start incorporating all this into your life.
Grab a notebook to answer questions I've added throughout this blog post and to start a list of things that you feel will bless your life! You can also take a pic of your notes and email them to me!
Do you have a morning routine? How about a nighttime routine? What things do you do?
Did you know? Essential oils are not designed as a one-time use kind of product. They are PART of our wellness toolbox and are best utilized by our bodies when they’re used regularly and consistently. Most body systems take about 3 months of consistent and specific support to rejuvenate them.
#1 Welcome
I know this lifestyle can seem a little overwhelming and may appear to require a lot of knowledge to dive into, but I assure you, it does not! I want to show you how simple it is by introducing you to some special friends - "Sarah and Brooke".
Sarah recently set up a Young Living account under her friend Brooke and got her first box filled with goodies. She ordered a handful of new essential oils, some supplements, and a few personal care products. She’s super excited but feels a little lost. So, she asks her friend Brooke to show her what a typical day in her life looks like. Here it is… come along!
#2 Set the Tone for the Day
The twinkling alarm slowly starts to erupt and Brooke opens her eyes. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning and it’s time to wake up! She walks out to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water. She adds a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a drop of Lemon Vitality. She also adds in a scoop of ICP Daily, gives it a good stir, and down the hatch it goes!
She then pours herself a bowl of Einkorn Flakes Cereal and sits down to journal for a few moments. She jots down her top three to-dos for the day and recites a few positive affirmations as she inhales a couple of her favorite oils - Valor and Envision - both of which are very grounding yet inspiring. Her day is off to a great start, wouldn’t you say?
Did you know? Lemon Vitality contains antioxidants! It even provides immune and circulatory support. ICP Daily contains prebiotics and soluble fiber, which supports your gut microbiome. Einkorn Flakes Cereal is an excellent way to fuel up for the day since it’s crafted with einkorn grain, which is an ancient whole grain that contains higher levels of protein and trace minerals and lower gluten levels than modern hybridized wheat.
See how easy it was for Brooke to set the tone for her morning all while using her Young Living products? Let’s see what she does next!
Do you drink water first thing in the morning? If not, what do you grab?

#3 An “Oily” Workout Routine
Brooke is all fueled up and ready to take on the day. She throws on some leggings and a tee, tosses a few necessities in her bag, and out the door she goes. As she enters the gym, she pops a Thieves Cough Drop in her mouth - it really helps to open up her nose so she can breathe deeply during her workout. She digs around in her bag and finds her R.C. oil blend, which stands for respiratory care. Thankfully she has a roller top on it so she can quickly apply some to her chest before class starts. She also drops a little Peppermint on her wrists and dabs some Believe behind her ears. She’s all set!
Whew - what a workout! Brooke is feeling a little fatigued after all that movement, so she grabs her shaker bottle - which has a scoop of AminoWise inside - and adds some water. Shake, shake, shake! She sips that as she applies a little Cool Azul Sports Gel to her lower back and calves. After a few minutes of rest, she heads to the showers.
Did you know? AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targeted formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals. Whoa!!
Do you work out regularly? What’s your favorite way to burn some calories? If not, what goals you have in the personal fitness department.

#4 An “Oily” Bathroom Routine
Brooke grabs her Lavender Mint Shampoo and Conditioner, her Morning Start bar soap, and a washcloth and hops in the shower. The shampoo is so refreshing and invigorating - it really leaves her hair feeling clean and full of body and bounce. The conditioner gives her that luxurious feel as the scent infiltrates the entire shower. Her hair feels so silky-smoothe!
She loves using the Morning Start bar soap because it contains some of her favorite oils - Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Juniper - all of which are known to awaken the senses. All clean… now time to get dressed!
Brooke grabs her Lavender Lotion and applies it from head to toe. It smells amazing! She throws on her clothes and dries her hair. She adds a few drops of Mirah Hair Oil to her palms and rakes it through her long locks, which smoothes away the frizz and flyaways, and gives her hair a shiny finish. She quickly brushes her teeth with Thieves Whitening Toothpaste and gargles with a little Thieves Mouthwash.
Now it’s time to apply her makeup! Let’s see what she uses…
Are you more of a bar soap or body wash kind of person?

#5 An “Oily” Makeup Routine
Brooke likes to throw on a little makeup before heading into the office, but she doesn’t have time to waste. Thankfully, her Savvy Minerals makeup is easy to apply and is very forgiving.
She dabs a little Savvy concealer under her eyes, adds a smidge of Savvy liquid foundation to her foundation brush, and smoothes it in nicely. She applies a dash of Savvy blush to her cheeks then tops it all off with a light dusting of powder foundation. She then applies a small amount of Savvy eyeshadow and eyeliner; she’s even able to use the eyeshadow to shape her eyebrows. Then, she grabs her Savvy mascara. Her favorite thing to do is to use the Volumizing mascara first, then layer it with the Lengthening mascara - it really makes her eyelashes pop! She finishes by adding a little Savvy Lip Luxe to her lips, giving them a glorious sheen and lots of plant-based love.
Did you know? Savvy Minerals bans more than 2,500 harmful ingredients (that are often used by other makeup companies). They’re infused with Young Living essential oils and backed by Young Living’s Seed to Seal quality commitment. Savvy makeup contains no sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, animal- derived ingredients, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes; it’s vegan friendly and cruelty free.
Do you wear makeup every day or only on special occasions?

#6 An “Oily” Work Routine
Brooke makes her way to the car and hops in - time to go to work! She gets her USB diffuser going with some Stress Away because it makes her feel like she’s on a beach vacation. Who doesn’t want that - am I right? Then she nibbles on a Protein Power Bite so she can make it until lunch. Those protein bites are delicious with their fresh blueberry-lemon flavor and 6 grams of protein. Yes please!
About 30 minutes later, she arrives at the office. She rolls some Thieves on the back of her neck and spritzes on a little mix she made of Joy and Orange - both of which seem to bring a smile to her face. Once inside, Brooke adds a few drops of Clarity and Lemon to the diffuser on her desk and begins checking her emails. What a great morning she’s had so far!
Did you know? Clarity features 12 essential oils for an aroma that promotes feelings of stability, focus, and a sense of productivity for the spirit and mind.
When do you feel you are most productive at work - first thing, middle of the day?

#7 An “Oily” Lunch
Brooke’s day is pretty packed… she’s got back-to-back meetings so decides to skip her typical run to the local deli shop and dine on some Balance Complete - a meal replacement that helps support a healthy immune system, muscle growth and recovery, and cleansing of the digestive system. Did I mention it tastes great too?! Brooke likes to use almond milk instead of water and adds a drop of Cinnamon Bark Vitality before mixing. Mmmm, delicious!
She also makes sure to take her supplements. Up first is Super B, her favorite way to get in all eight of the B vitamins. It gives her a healthy energy level for the rest of the afternoon and helps ease her feelings of everyday stress.
She then tosses back a few others - MultiGreens, Sulfurzyme, and OmegaGize³. MultiGreens is a combo of energizing greens that supports overall health and well-being. Sulfurzyme does so much!! It supports joint health, normal range of motion, bone health, normal metabolic functions and circulation, hair and skin health… AND aids the immune system. It’s a must-have. OmegaGize³ combines omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). It supports normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health so Brooke loves to make it part of her lunchtime routine.
She applies a little En-R-Gee to her wrists. Now for some more work!
What’s your favorite meal of the day? Do you ever skip meals?

#8 An “Oily” Afternoon Pick-Me-Up
Whewwww - what a day it’s been. Brooke has attended 3 meetings and composed what seems to be 100 emails; she is ready for a little break. She steps outside and takes in some fresh air and sun, then heads back in for a little afternoon pick-me-up.
What does she grab? Her NingXia, of course! Thankfully, Brooke remembered to grab a box of 2 oz. NingXia Red packets - she likes to keep some in her desk drawer for moments like this. She tears open the pouch and pours it over ice. Then she dumps in a NingXia Nitro, her secret weapon, then tops it all off with a NingXia Zyng. Oh yes - this is going to be tasty!! Now back to finish out the day.
Did you know? NingXia Red is packed with powerful antioxidants to help against oxidative stress, support normal cellular function, and promote healthy energy levels. NingXia Nitro is a delicious, energizing wolfberry drink infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract to support alertness and cognitive and physical fitness. NingXia Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry puree, pear and blackberry juices, and essential oils with naturally occurring caffeine for an energizing boost and only 35 calories! Give me all the NingXia!!
What time of the day do you feel like you could use a little energy boost?

#9 An “Oily” Dinner
Brooke has had a long day in the office so the moment she walks in the door, she scurries over to the diffuser and gets some Citrus Fresh going. That blend always seems to put her in a good mood.
She pops on some tunes and gets to work on dinner. Tonight’s dish is fish tacos, served with some delicious lime cumin sauce. The recipe calls for Lime Vitality and Black Pepper Vitality so she adds a little bit of each and, my oh my, it sure is tasty! Her husband grabs a beer and adds a drop of Orange Vitality to kick things up a notch in the flavor department. Clearly, these oils can be used in many different ways!
After they polish off the tacos, they retire to the living room. Her husband mentions a little bloating so she grabs him some Allerzyme and adds a few drops of DiGize Vitality to a veggie capsule for him to take.
Next, they brew some of their favorite tea - the Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea. They stir in a drop of Tangerine Vitality and some honey along with a dash of vanilla creamer, then sit back to read for a few minutes before they head to bed.
Did you know? Lime Vitality contains antioxidants and supports your overall wellness. Black Pepper Vitality also contains antioxidants and may support healthy weight management and support the digestive system. DiGize Vitality helps support and cleanse the digestive system. Orange Vitality provides digestive and immune support, and Tangerine Vitality may provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. Wow!!
Do you celebrate “Taco Tuesday” in your house? Do you have any staple dishes you love to cook?

#10 An “Oily” Bedtime Routine
It’s finally time for bed so Brooke heads to the bathroom to remove her makeup. She first uses a little Mirah Cleansing Oil to remove her eye makeup - it works like a charm! Then she washes with a little BLOOM Brightening Cleanser; it feels so refreshing. She then adds a little ART Toner onto a cotton round and rubs it on her face and neck. This toner helps balance the skin’s pH, sweep away impurities, refresh the skin, and reduce the appearance of pores - so she makes sure to use it every day. She then applies a small amount of ART Light Moisturizer and Wolfberry Eye Cream to her face. Gotta keep that youthful glow, right?
Brooke heads to the kitchen and grabs a SleepEssence, Thyromin, and a Life 9 probiotic. She’s ready for a good night of rest! She applies a little Rutavala to the underside of her toes and some Progessence Plus Serum to her inner ankles. It’s the last half of her cycle so she likes to use Progessence Plus. During the first half, she uses Clary Sage instead. This seems to keep her feeling balanced in the lady department. Her husband likes to apply a little Idaho Blue Spruce and Mister before he dozes off.
She brushes her teeth then quickly fills the diffuser with some Lavender and Cedarwood, and it’s “lights out.” Off to dreamland!
Did you know? SleepEssence contains melatonin and four powerful essential oils to help promote restful sleep and support the body's natural sleep rhythm. Thyromin nutritionally supports healthy thyroid function and Life 9 is a highly potent probiotic with 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains to support healthy immune function, maintain optimal metabolism, and promote normal intestinal function. These are some powerful supplements!
What does your bedtime routine look like? Do you even have one?

#11 Make It Work for You
Getting an insider’s look at Brooke’s day gives you a good idea of what an “oily” lifestyle is like. As you probably noticed, Brooke uses her oils and other clean products throughout the day just as she would anything else. Your routine and environment may be different than hers - and that’s ok! It takes some time to learn how to incorporate them, but once you do, they just become part of the daily routine. Here are some tips for using your oils and oil-infused products every day …
- Have your oils and supplements OUT and visible. If they are stored deep in a cluttered drawer they will be out of sight, out of mind. Keep them on a stand, a shelf, on a counter, wherever you will SEE them and use them.
- Label and/or organize your oils. Group them in similar colors or organize them alphabetically. You could even set them apart based on certain needs you have.
- Make rollers. Rollers provide a quick, convenient way to dilute your oils and have them ready for application whenever you or your family has a need.
- Pair your oils with other daily activities you’re already accustomed to. Set a roller by your toothbrush so you apply it every morning. Have a bottle of oil and a carafe of water sitting next to your diffuser on your bedside table so you don’t forget to diffuse at bedtime. Set rollers or sprays near the backdoor where you store your shoes or purse and use them on your way out.
You can do this; get creative and make it work for you!
What tips do you think you are ready to implement? What other ideas do you have for creating healthy habits?

#12 Loyalty Rewards
Brooke utilizes Young Living’s loyalty program so she never has to worry about running out of her favorites - like her supplements and makeup. Since she orders at least 50 PV every month, she also accrues points that she can redeem for product later in a one-time SHOP order. She loves getting things with her points! Who doesn’t like free product?!
When her order hits 100 PV that means she gets an automatic freebie added to her box ON TOP of the points she’s earning! In months where she’s able to order a higher amount, she gets even MORE freebies automatically added. Young Living gives these “gifts” away every month based on your order total. Sometimes it’s a free oil or even several free oils… and sometimes it’s a free supplement! You never know - it’s different every month!
It’s such a flexible program and Brooke loves how convenient it is. The added freebies are the cherry on top! You can't beat it.

#13 Share the Lifestyle
When you shop with Young Living, you are considered a customer - just like you would be if you shopped at one of the big box stores. The cool thing is that Young Living provides every one of their customers with a referral link so you can help others just like you. It’s super simple - just log into your account, click “My Account” and scroll down until you see “Share YL”. Click that and copy the link shown. That’s it!
If you decide that you would like to refer people on a regular basis and earn some money while you do it, you can easily become a Brand Partner by purchasing a Business Essentials Kit. For less than $30 you can make things official and hit the ground running! Check out this site for some real-life income numbers: www.youngliving.com/IDS.
I've been a Brand Partner since 2017 and a member since 2014. This has been the most effective way to help ourselves live a healthier lifestyle and impact our family & community.
Again, becoming a Brand Partner is never required, just an open opportunity.
What questions do you have about referring others to this lifestyle?

I truly believe these oils and products need to be in every home, starting with yours and mine.
Don’t have a Young Living account yet? Let’s get you set up!
- Go to https://meganelaineinc.com/for/healinghomemovement
- Add at least 100 PV to your cart OR at least one item to a loyalty order and you will unlock the 24% discount!
In the comments below, tell me ONE THING you learned from today’s class.
Ready to jump in? Join my FREE 30 Day Challenge!
After hearing Brooke’s routine I feel like I could totally step up my daily “oily” game. Anyone else? That is why I want to kick off a 30-day “Use Your Oils Every Day” challenge.
This challenge is perfect for you if…
- you don’t have an “oily” routine
- you find yourself forgetting to use your YL products
- you have wanted to make some health improvements but haven’t committed
- you need some accountability to follow through.
Blessings over your health!
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