🍋 My husband and I started the new year off with a cleanse! 🍋
Which I quickly followed up with ANOTHER cleanse a month later because my body was craving more cleansing.
Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's Eve celebrations had me at my highest weight in years, feeling bloated, tired, irritable, fuzzy headed, etc.
- Improved digestion
- Increased energy
- Sharpened mental clarity
- Balanced moods
- Weight balance
- Reduced cravings
- Visible changes: skin, eyes, weight
- Reduced bloating & constipation
- Release emotional blocks
- Build long-term health
Picture of me below finally able to fit into my new jeans! After the 2nd cleanse, I felt like I got a whole new wardrobe since all my clothes are fitting differently with the loss of inches and pounds.

I could never successfully complete a cleanse if I did it purely to lose weight - my motivation is to take care of my "temple" the best way that I can to prevent dis-ease. The weight loss is an awesome bonus to all the health benefits I receive.
In the early 2000's, I met a man in Mexico where we went on vacation every year, named George, who told us about a cleanse he'd been doing for years with great health results. He'd been given a death sentence when he lived in the US and decided that wasn't going to be his future. He started researching and found out about Dr. Richard Anderson & his Arise & Shine cleanse.
George moved to Mexico, started cleansing and in no time at all had a clean bill of health. He changed his diet to fresh, alkaline foods, got exercise, etc.
In his 80's, he had the insides of a 20 year old. Was on no meds and felt wonderful.
One thing he said that has stuck with me all of these years is that he didn't want to sit around when he was older talking about what drugs he was taking, the side effects he was noticing, how horrible he felt and complain about all his ailments like so many in the US do as they age.
I completely agree! 🙌
So, in my 20's, I decided to take control of my health and not become a victim of the standard of healthcare found in the US.
I did multiple 7 & 14 day Arise & Shine cleanses and successfully completed their 28 day cleanse, the last 2 weeks which was only juice, no solid food. I felt AMAZING. I looked gross, as I got down to 108 pounds but it was an incredible experience.
Over the years, I've completed other cleanses - the 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse & Cleansing Trio by Young Living which I really like, and most recently, we did The Master Cleanse.
This was by far the easiest cleanse I've done - only 3 ingredients! I don't like to cook or juice lots of veggies, fruit, etc. So squeezing a lemon and adding 2 ingredients to it was perfect. It was challenging in the fact that there is no CHEWING or EATING.
I love being able to do things that are so powerful for our bodies. It's not easy, but the benefits outweigh not being able to eat or drink whatever I want, whenever I want.
After the Master Cleanse, we both felt lighter - both emotionally & physically, are craving healthy foods vs sugar/carbs and have more energy. After the cleanse I was CRAVING it again so did another 10 day a month later. Even more great results - less inches & pounds and I feel wonderful.
George was also the first person who told me about how our healthcare system went from natural remedies, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc. to what it is today which is sick care, vs health care.
We used to be one of the healthiest countries on Earth and are now one of the sickest. 🙁
He told me all about the Rockefellers, Soros, Big Pharma, Bayer's link to Auschwitz, IG Farben, etc.
What's been happening the last 2 years came as no surprise to me.
I won't get started on that...
I'll be forever grateful that God brought George into our lives as I cannot count the lives that have been changed by educating ourselves and others on a BETTER way to take care of themselves.
God designed our bodies to be HEALING machines. (If we take care of them.)
"For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." - Galatians 5:19-21
Below are my top 3 cleanses in order from what I feel is easiest to hardest. I will do all of these cleanses again so read through the info, use the provided links and see what you feel led to do. There is no wrong answer, listen to your body - it will guide you toward what is best for you at this point in your life.
How much time do you want to dedicate to cleansing? How committed are you to getting the results you want? Are you willing to be uncomfortable in order to experience great health results?
My best cleansing tip is to do your research. Read information about each cleanse so you have clear expectations. Set your mind to it and DO IT!
1) Cleansing Trio
This is a great first cleanse since it allows you to continue eating and simply add 3 supplements!
The Cleansing Trio Kit all you need to begin improving your health by cleansing your system and eliminating waste by supporting normal liver function. The Cleansing Trio is designed to offer liver and kidney support as well to help for a more balanced and efficient experience.
ComforTone: Take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Drink at least 64 oz. of distilled water throughout the day for best results.
- Comfortone activates the bowel, while ICP adds bulk and some scouring action.
Essentialzyme: Take 1 dual time-release caplet 1 hour before your largest meal of the day for best results. Contains soy.
- Essentialzyme is an enzyme supplement used here between meals to help break up the plaque in the colon and absorb toxins.
ICP: Mix 2 rounded tsp. with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. If cleansing or eating a high-protein diet, use 3 times daily. If eating a low-protein diet, use once daily. Drink immediately, as this product tends to thicken quickly when added to liquid. Tastes best in carrot juice, apple juice or smoothies.
- ICP is a blend of fiber and herbs created to provide bulk and nutrition. The best way to use it is to still it into juice or water and drink it down quickly, before it gets too thick.
- Begin with 1 capsule of Comfortone in the morning. The next day, take 1 cap in the morning and 1 at night. Increase by 1 cap a day alternating day and night until you are getting 2-3 bowel movements a day. You should not be running to the bathroom, but you may experience some “gurgling’ and perhaps even slight soreness in the intestines as the Comfortone creates activity where there once was stagnation. Start taking 1 capsule Essentialzyme between meals when you begin the Comfortone.
- Once you’ve achieved 2-3 BMs, then begin taking 1 tsp. of ICP in the mornings in addition to the Comfortone. Add ½ tsp. ICP a day (as directed for the Comfortone) until you are achieving large bulky stools, but are not constipated. It is recommended that you continue adding ICP until you get to 1 tablespoon a day in the morning, and 1 tablespoon at night.
- Continue on the 3 supplements for a minimum of 2 weeks. It is recommended you stay with this for longer if you wish to completely cleanse the colon. Once you do that, generally, you don’t need to do an extended colon cleanse ever again. This is up to you. If you want to go the full deal, then you will continue until you have passed the “lining” of the colon and are having 2-3 good, easy BMs per day. The “lining” is described as being black and long and holds together in a long tube shape. It consists of all the caked material that had been lining the bowel and making it difficult for the bowel to function properly. It is possible that some people don’t have this to pass … use your intuition and decide what feels best for you!
If you have been doing this for a week and still haven’t achieved 2-3 BMs a day, add a drop or 2 of Peppermint oil to a glass of your water or VitaFlex it into your feet and see if that helps.
I always add cleansing essential oils to my water, tea, protein shakes, etc. I continue to use them when cleansing. For the Cleansing Trio, I'd add JuvaCleanse, DiGize, Peppermint, Lemon and Lime.
Extra Cleanse Supplements
RESOURCES: Once you've ordered the Cleansing Trio and Extra Cleanse Supplements if you feel led to add them, reach out to me and I'll plug you into helpful education & support.
2) Master Cleanse
I said earlier that this was the easiest for me since there is virtually no food prep. I've also been intermittent fasting for almost 10 years which made it easy for me to jump into an all juice cleanse. This isn't the same for everyone.
The first 3 days are the toughest as your body will be craving sugar (more addictive than cocaine) but after that, it's very easy when you focus on WHY you're doing it and not on what food you're missing out on. I kept telling myself on the 10 day that I had 355 days left this year to eat whatever I want. A bonus is that during and after the cleanse I started craving healthy food and unhealthy food was not attractive to me at all!
The book, The Complete Master Cleanse was extremely helpful. I didn't have it the first time but did for my second cleanse and highly recommend you purchase this and read it BEFORE you start the cleanse. Having this knowledge of how the cleanse works, tips, etc. made it much easier the second time.
Here is a GREAT video that walks you through EXACTLY how to do it and where to order ingredients.
There are 3 Ingredients to the Lemonade Diet:
- First, squeeze Organic Fresh Lemons into 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
- Then add 2 Tablespoons of Organic Rich Maple Syrup, and 1/16 of a Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper into 8 oz of Pure Water.
- Drink a minimum of six to 18 glasses throughout the day whenever one is hungry
Every day you do The Master Cleanse you overcome the psychological need to eat, you feel a growing sense of control that motivates you to complete the process.
There are 5 Phases to The Master Cleanse:
- Ease-In: The 3 days before and after The Lemonade Diet that slowly removes or re-introduces complex,
- The Lemonade Diet: 10 Days to Lose Weight Fast, and Feel Great At Last
- Ease-Out: The 3 days after The Lemonade Diet that slowly removes or re-introduces complex, processed (C.R.A.P.) foods from your diet.
- Daily Detox Teas: Every day a Natural Detox Method must be engaged to eliminate Waste such as Detox Tea
- The Salt Water Flush: Optionally, instead of the detox laxative tea, you can do the Salt Water Flush first thing in the morning (details below).
Extra Cleanse Supplements Supplements are not recommended during the Master Cleanse, I assume because so many are low quality and have synthetics in them. But, in the Essential Oil Desk Reference (Gary Young) recommends the Master Cleanse, there are additional supplements that are approved to use during it. These are whole food, safe & effective supplements with the added health benefits of essential oils which help our bodies assimilate SO MUCH more.
I added the following to enhance the cleansing process, support whole body health & keep things moving which is always a focus during a cleanse.
Comfortone (3 times per day), JuvaCleanse & DiGize essential oils to hot water for tea in the morning & evenings, Detoxyme (3 times per day), Ningxia Red (2 ounces per day), ICP Daily (1 scoop in the AM after tea and before my first MC juice), Lemon & Lime essential oil to keep the me craving the taste of the juice by offering great flavor & a little variety.
Resources: Once you've checked out the MC website, purchased the complete master cleanse book and extra cleanse supplements, if you feel led to add them, reach out to me and I'll add you to a private MC FB group with TONS of testimonials and great support.
3) Arise & Shine
I did this cleanse from home & when on the road (planes, trains & automobiles) and had no troubles. You just need to plan ahead with buying ingredients. The kit comes with a shaker jar which was easy to whip up anywhere. It's a gentle cleanse so I didn't have any issues getting to the bathroom quick enough, etc.
I started with a 7 day (I purchased the 14 day kit and used half) and did that a couple times before I moved into the 14 day and eventually the 28 day which worked great for my body.
You're able to eat alkalizing foods and drink delicious fresh juice.
• Eat 100% alkaline foods!
• Eat about 20% cooked foods and 80% raw foods.
• NO SALT: no iodized, sea, Himalayan or Celtic salt.
• No soy sauce, miso or liquid amino.
• Use an herbal salt free seasoning or celery seed for a salt substitute.
• Drink a MINIMUM of 30-40 oz. of fresh organic vegetable juice and/or Alkalizing Vegetable Mineral Broth every day.
• Drink LOTS of WATER (about 8 oz. per every 10 lbs. body weight, more in warmer weather.)
• For a quick snack, try Alkalizing Vegetable Mineral Broth or a piece of fruit.
• Be sure to have 3 to 5 Bowel Movements per day.
• Allow at least 60 minutes between shakes, meals and herb sets
• Maintain your pH with electrolytes
• Don’t be afraid to slow down or to take an enema
The Cleanse is not a fast or liquid diet. Although there are no solid meals on the Master Phase of Cleanse 28 you will be taking herbs, shakes and probiotics. It is very important to nourish your body with adequate amounts of food during the phases leading up to the Master Phase. While the recommended foods may be very different from your current diet, it is exceedingly important that you consume these alkaline forming foods while cleansing for optimum results.
Your body functions at its ideal when your diet is predominately composed of alkaline forming foods. Acid forming foods dramatically slow down the cleansing process and yield lessened results. Raw, organically grown, alkaline forming foods are highly recommended because of their high enzyme and electrolyte mineral content. Your Cleanse will be more comfortable if your body is being supplied with the nutrients it needs.
When used as directed, Cleanse 14 like Cleanse 28 can lead to improved well-being, renewed energy, increased stamina and vitality, better digestion and enhanced clarity of mind.
RESOURCES: Make sure to download the free Cleanse Guide. You can also purchase a copy which I did.
I hope the above information & resources serve you well.
If you would like to visit one on one and go over these options, along with your health goals, I'd be happy to do that.
Click the link below to learn more about how I started my wellness journey and you'll also get two guides I've put together to help you on yours!
Leave a comment below and let me know your favorite cleansing protocols and what your results have been.
Blessings over your health!

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